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Parks & Recreation 01.14.09 Minutes
322009_42305_0.png                                                                                                                                                                                     _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Billie Luker (BL)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP), Kathy Morgan (KM), Lisa Dickey (LD), Olga Arnold (OA),

 (RM)   6:38pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin

Audience of Citizens:

Acceptance of Minutes
No minutes were discussed at this meeting.

New Business
Committee Elections
(LM) Lauren McMullen nominated Rita Mullin (RM) for Chair person of Parks & Recreation Committee
         For year 2009.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.

        (Rita Mullin (RM) turns the meeting over to Lauren McMullen (LM) to chair.)

(LM) Lauren asked Rita if she accepts nomination and Rita (RM) confirms.
No discussion was had.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1 (RM)
Motion passes

        (LM turns the meeting back over to RM to continue chairing the meeting)

(SC) Sergio Coviello nominates Lauren McMullen (LM) for Vice-Chairperson of Parks & Recreation
         committee for year 2009.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
(RM) Rita asks Lauren if she accepts the nomination.
(LM) Lauren accepts.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1 (LM)
Motion passes

(LM) Lauren McMullen nominates Sergio Coviello for Clerks position on Parks & Recreation Committee
         for year 2009.
Page 2- Committee Elections
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
(RM) Rita Mullen asks Sergio if he accepts the nomination and Sergio confirms.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             abstained:  1 (SC)
Motion passes

Committee Liaison listing
The committee members went over the departments needing a liaison and chose which ones they would be interested in being a liaison for.  (SS) Sheila will type up an official list and distribute to all the committee members and staff.  Also Sheila will update League listing and redistribute.

Marty (MT) is contemplating dropping the number of summer BBQ’s from 8 to 6. This is due to Staff necessity changes and economy projections. Sponsorship for BBQ has been difficult to obtain. Also the fourth of July committee is unsure whether they will be hosting their event this year. P&R made about $3500 last season on
BBQ.  (RM) Rita would like to table the topic until the next meeting to have members think more about whether it is a good idea to shorten the season on the BBQ.  She would like to see it remain in length and even start before 4th of July.  She feels it is a venue that brings the town together.

Town Hall Gym Cleaning (LC)
Lynne (LC) has received complaints regarding the condition of the Town hall Gym from many people including NRYB parents of recreation participants and others.  The tiles on the gym floor are made of asbestos.  And the cleaning company says that they would need to bee sealed every so often, because the more the tiles are washed the more the asbestos becomes airborne.  The cleaning service wants $300 per month for the job.  (LC) would ask for every other week at $75 each time.  Lynne is looking for care instructions on the tiles to make sure sealing them is mandatory before she goes and spends the monies on doing so.  Would need to clean and maintain the gym from November through March of each year except this year it would be present through March.
(RM) Rita suggests adding a line item to the budget for this service.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to create a line item in the budget to show cleaning of gym and
          to approve $750 to be appropriated  for the cleaning of the Town Hall Gym Floor.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
                 No discussion was had.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motions passes

Board of Selectman Meeting status-(MS)
(MS) Maureen wanted to update the committee on the contents of the budgets for the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on January 21st, 2009 and also wanted to ask if anyone else would be there supporting the committee.

Old Business
Update on IRP Bathrooms
(SC) Sergio went to CPC meeting on 1/13/09 and they approved the plans for the bathrooms. Tim Allen is asking for a larger picture of the project to place in the paper for public notice.  The Committee needs to cut a $40 check for the filing fee for the transcript.
Mike O’Neill is concerned about the large trucks traveling over the metal bridge a t the back entrance of IRP, Marty (MT) explained that there is going to be maintenance done on the bridge so it will not be an issue.

Renovation at the Wheeler House-(MT)
The demolition is in full force and in doing so MT discovered that the entire front walls and wood structure of the house is fully rotted out and has no insulation in the walls and needs to be replaced.  This was something

Page 3- Old Business-Wheeler
they were not counting on.  Lombardo said that it would be about an extra $30k to fix problem to code.  So they
are going to leave the upstairs of the Wheeler alone for the time being and concentrate on the bottom part of the house.

Vote on Maguire Consult- Jack Schmidgal
The bill for the consulting at Maguire field was agreed to be split and paid by both P&R and Soccer league a while ago when Brian Wood was here and director. Marty feels it was well worth it.  The total bill was $10,550.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to pay $5,275 to Jack Schmidgal for the consulting services at
          the Maguire Field project.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had
        Approved: 5             Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

FY10 Revolving Budget-vote-MS
(MS) Maureen has presented the 3% reduced and balanced to the committee for review.  She also present another projection budget with a 3% reduced and a 10% reduction in revenues to see how the economy may affect the budget.  Maureen is asking the committee which budget they would like to present to the BOS.

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept the 3% reduced and balanced budget to be present to the
       Board of Selectman’s
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passes

Other Business
Committee member involvement-LM
Lauren (LM) will call the other members to ask them what they would want to commit to for their involvement in Parks & Recreation Committee.  
Mike Fitzpatrick has not received his re-appointment notification for Parks & Recreation Committee. Sheila (SS) will check on.

(BL) Billie Luker made a motion that Rita Mullin is the Parks & Recreation member for the (LUC)
         Land Utilization committee for year 2009.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
        No discussion
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1 (RM)
Motion passed-needs to go on letter head to TA

(MF)    a motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.  Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 pm